Destination Shipping costs as of Minimum amount for free delivery
Germany, Netherlands, Italy, France, Austria, Belgium  € 6.99  € 99.00
Portugal, Spain  € 5.99 € 99.00
Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania  € 10.99 € 99.00
Finland, Sweden, Bulgaria € 14.00 € 99.00
Rest of Europe
United Kingdom* £ 37.21 £ 99.00
Cyprus** € 9.99 N/A
Malta** € 9.99 N/A
Balkans & European Island*  € 17.99 € 130.00
Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein* € 19.00 € 130.00
Andorra & San Marino*  € 29.00 € 130.00
Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Turkey, Ukraine*  € 34.00  NA
United States & Canada*  $ 19.99 B2C: $ 150.00 | B2B: $450.00
Middle East* € 29.00 NA
Africa*  € 35.00 NA
Asia*  € 29.00 NA
South America
Brazil*  € 25.00  NA
Rest of South America** € 22.99 NA
Australia & New Zealand*  € 35.00  NA
Rest of the world** € 35.00 NA

Shipping costs up to 5kgs. If higher, our shipping calculator will indicate the appropriate price at check-out.
** Shipping costs up to 0.25kgs. If higher, our shipping calculator will indicate the appropriate price at check-out.

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